as many bonds as may be necessary for the purpose herein
stated, and the sum of Two Thousand Dollars to be donated
as aforesaid, to the payment for the building, improving and
relocating the public road as herein mentioned of said Fourth,
Sixth and Ninth Election Districts as aforesaid in said County;
the building and improvement thereof to consist of the grading,
of said road and the construction thereof of a macadam or
other durable road according to plans and specifications ap-
proved by the Road Superintendent of Montgomery County.
The funds herein provided to be used in said construction
may be added to such funds as may be allotted for said road
under the State Aid Law, if in the judgment of the County
Commissioners it be more advantageous to construct the Road
under such Act.
Approved April 10th, 1914.
AN ACT to pay Harry J. Whyte, of Pocomoke City, Worcester
County, State of Maryland, the sum of two thousand dollars,
damages sustained by him on account of being shot and
wounded whilst acting as a posse comitatus assisting Harding
P. Tull, Sheriff of Somerset County, Maryland, to arrest cer-
tain alleged criminals in said county.
AN ACT appointing a commission to consider and report to the
Governor and the General Assembly plans and measures for
the due protection of the lives and health of the miners of
Maryland in their hazardous occupation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That William J. Witzenbacker, of Washington County;
David J. Lewis, of Allegany County, and Emory L. Coblentz, of
Frederick County, be and the same are hereby appointed and
constituted a Commission to consider and report to the Governor
and the General Assembly such plans and measures as they may
deem appropriate for the due protection of the lives and health
of the miners of Maryland in their hazardous occupation, and
to return and recommend with their said report upon said sub-
ject to the Governor and the General Assembly a form of an