Thousand Dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary for
the purpose of building and improving the public road known
as the Darnestown Road between the improved road leading
to Travillah and the State Road at Quince Orchard, a distance
of about three (3) miles within the Fourth (4), Sixth (6) and
Ninth (9) Election Districts of said County; and to levy and
collect taxes in the said Fourth (4), Sixth (6) and Ninth
(9) Districts of said County for the payment of the said
bonds and the interest coupons thereon, provided that on
or before May 1st, 1914, certain donations be made, us here-
inafter provided, to the said County Commissioners to be ap-
plied by them for the purpose herein.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds
to the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary for the purpose of building and improving
the public road known as the Darnestown Road between the
improved road leading to Travillah and the State Road at
Quince Orchard, a distance of about three (3) miles, and to
levy and collect taxes in the Fourth, Sixth and Ninth Districts
of said County for the payments of said bondg and interest
coupons as hereinafter stated, provided that on or before May
1st, 1914, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be donated to the
said County Commissioners of Montgomery County to be ap-
plied by them for the purpose of building and improving said
road as herein stated.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners be and they are hereby directed, upon the exe-
cution and assurances by satisfactory evidence'in writing upon
such terms and conditions as said County Commissioners may
prescribe and determine for the payment by donation of a sum
of Two Thousand Dollars as herein provided, to borrow on the
credit of said County the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars or so
much as may be necessary and the said County Commissioners
shall issue coupon bonds therefor under the Corporate Seal of
the said County Commissioners, signed by the President of the
Board of County Commissioners and countersigned by the Clerk
thereof, in sums not less than One Hundred Dollars nor more
than Five Hundred Dollars; the said bonds to bear interest from
the date of issue thereof at the rate of not more than five per
centum per annum, payable semi-annually and which said in-
terest to the maturity of each of said bonds shall be provided