SEC. 2. And be it further encated, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10th, 1914.
AN ACT to establish in Montgomery County a hospital for the
treatment of indigent persons suffering from tuberculosis, ap-
propriating a sum of money for the erection and maintenance
of said hospital, and authorizing the County Commissioners of
Montgomery County to levy for the same.
WHEREAS, The County Commissioners of Montgomery County
and certain philanthropic citizens of said County are desirous of
establishing in said County a hospital for the treatment of in-
digent persons residing in the said County suffering with tuber-
culosis, and
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland recognizes the necessity for
such an Institution; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the President of the Board of County Commissioners
of Montgomery County, the President of the County Medical
Society, Dr. Gordon H. Wilson, and two other persons, one to
be named by the Board of County Commissioners, and one by
the Medical Society, be and the same are hereby constituted a
body corporate under the title of "The Tuberculosis Commis-
sion of Montgomery County,'' and by that name and style shall
have perpetual succession, with power to have a common seal,
and to change the same at pleasure, to make contracts, and to
sue and to be sued, and by that name and style shall be capable
of purchasing, taking, holding and conveying any estate, real
or personal, for the use of said Corporation, but all properties
so acquired, or the proceeds thereof, shall belong to Montgomery
County, and shall be held in trust for said County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, The said Tuberculosis
Commission of Montgomery County shall have the right to
acquire by purchase, or otherwise, a suitable site in said County
for a County tuberculosis camp or hospital, and to erect thereon
necessary buildings and provide equipment and shall employ
competent persons to take charge and conduct same, and shall,
so far as practicable, conduct the same after the manner of the
Municipal Tuberculosis Hospital in Baltimore City.