to time so invested by the County Commissioners, and the said
sinking fund and the investment thereof shall be kept sacred
and inviolate for the redemption of said bonds as they may
mature; and any person or persons, either as public officials or
otherwise, who shall divert, or attempt to divert said sinking
fund, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment
and conviction shall be fined a sum not exceeding one thousand
dollars, and confined in the County Jail for a term not exceed-
ing one year.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That until the payment in full of
the whole amount of the principal of said bonds, all dividends
which may be declared by the said Company upon the said
stock so to be subscribed for, shall so long as the said stock
shall continue to be owned by the County and held by the
County Commissioners be paid by the said Company to said
County Commissioners to be invested by them in the increase
of said sinking fund, as provided in Section five. It shall be
the duty of the County Commissioners to publish during the
first week of January in each year under their hands and seals
in the newspapers published in Calvert County doing the County
printing a full statement of the exact condition of said sinking
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said County Commis-
sioners shall have power at any time out of any surplus funds
belonging to the said County to purchase and retire any of the
bonds hereby authorized to be issued at their market value, and
the same to cancel and destroy, after entering upon their books
the date of such purchase and of such cancellation, and the
dates, amounts, numbers and other particulars of said bonds,
respectively; provided, that no bonds shall be purchased unless
all coupons thereof, respectively, not then due shall remain at-
tached to such bonds at the time of purchase.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall be delivered
to the said Baltimore and Virginia Railroad Company by the
said County Commissioners when the roadbed of said railroad
shall in every respect be completed and ready for the operation
of trains and running over the, same from a point on the
"Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway, at or
near Millersville, through the lower section of Anne Arundel
County, and through Calvert County to a point at or near
Drum Point, in said Calvert County, and not before; provided,
the said Baltimore and Virginia Railroad Company completes