SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That nine new Sections be and the same are hereby added
to Chapter 91 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at the January Session, 1904, to follow immediately
after Section 27-A, of said Chapter 91, and to be known re-
spectively as Sections 27-B, 27-C, 27-D, 27-E, 27-F, 27-G, 27-H,
27-I and 27-J, said Sections to read respectively as follows:
27-B. It shall not be lawful for any person to hunt, take,
kill or shoot any birds, animals or game mentioned and de-
scribed, or named, in Sections 27 and 27-A, of said Chapter 91
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at
the January Session, 1904, without having first obtained from
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline County a license
permitting the person named therein to so hunt, take or kill
such birds or animals so named, which license shall state the
name of the applicant, his age, color of hair, height, occupation
and residence, and shall not be transferable, and all license so
issued shall date from the time so issued until the first day of
July next following the date of the issuance of such license;
provided that no license shall be issued to any person under the
age of fifteen years; the cost of such license shall be as follows:
A resident land owner of said Caroline County shall pay to the
Clerk the sum of one dollar and a clerk's fee of twenty-five
cents for the issuance of such license; all other residents of
said Caroline County shall pay to the Clerk of said Court the
sum of two dollars and a clerk's fee of twenty-five cents for
the issuance of such license; a non-resident of Caroline County
shall pay to the Clerk of said Court the sum of five dollars and
a clerk's fee of twenty-five cents for the issuance of said license.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall pay a fine of two dollars for the first and one dollar for
each and every other such bird or animal taken, shot, killed or
had in possession contrary to the provisions of this Section, and
costs, and in default the offender shall be confined in the county
jail for not more than thirty days; the whole of said fine to go
to the informer or the person or persons securing the conviction
of such offender. Such licensee shall have said license with
him while gunning or hunting, and shall exhibit the same when-
ever called upon by any game warden or citizen of said county
to so do, and upon refusal to so exhibit such license such person
so refusing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic-