bank and the rate of interest to be paid on said deposits; said
deposits shall be made to the credit of the sinking fund and
shall be drawn by the Commissioners of Greensboro for the pur-
pose of redeeming and paying off the aforesaid bonds and for
no other purpose; and should said Commissioners of Greens-
boro or any other person or persons or body corporate having
charge of said sinking funds suffer the same to be diverted or
applied to any other purpose than the payment or redemption
of the said bonds, he or they shall be individually deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in a Court of
competent jurisdiction, shall be fined in an amount equal to the
sum diverted and shall be committed to the County Jail until
the said fine and all costs are paid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of
Greensboro are hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate,
sell or dispose of the bonds hereinbefore provided for or as
many thereof as may be necessary, and with the proceeds there-
of to erect or provide for the erection, building, maintaining and
keeping in repair said waterworks and a plant for same; pro-
vided, however, that no bonds shall be sold or disposed of for
less than their par value and the said Commissioners of Greens-
boro are furthermore duly authorized to make all necessary
rules and regulations and to pass all necessary ordinances with
penalties for their violation, and to do all necessary acts for the
proper managing, maintaining and repairing said waterworks,
and for the protection thereof, and to acquire by purchase or
otherwise, or to condemn all land necessary for the erection and
operation of said waterworks and the plant thereof, which con-
demnation shall be had in the manner prescribed in Article
33-A of the Code of Public General Laws of 1904 of the State
of Maryland, being Chapter 117 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly passed at the Session of 1912.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of Greens-
boro at a special election to be held on the third Saturday in
May, 1914, shall submit to the qualified voters of said town
the question whether or not said bonds shall be issued as here-
inbefore provided, and at such election all voters desiring to
vote on said question shall cast a ballot on which shall be writ-
ten, typewritten or printed the words "For the Waterworks,"
or "Against the Waterworks," as the voters shall desire, and
if a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be "For
the Waterworks" said Commissioners shall have power to issue
bonds to the extent of said sum of twenty thousand dollars or