hundred dollars; for the salary of the Chief Clerk to the Treas-
urer, twenty-four hundred dollars; for the salary of one assist-
ant clerk to the Treasurer, twenty-two hundred dollars; fbr the
salaries of three assistant clerks to the Treasurer, fifteen hundred
dollars each, forty-five hundred dollars; for the salary of one
messenger to the Treasurer, one thousand dollars; for the salary
of the Chief Clerk to the State Tax Commissioner, twenty-four
hundred dollars; for the salaries of two assistant clerks to the
State Tax Commissioner, fifteen hundred dollars each, three
thousand dollars; for the salary of one assistant clerk to the
State Tax Commissioner, twelve hundred dollars; for the salary
of the State Librarian, fifteen hundred dollars; for the salary
of the Indexer and Cataloguer, fifteen hundred dollars; for the
salary of the Commissioner of the Land Office, fifteen hundred
dollars; for the salary of the Chief Clerk to the Commissioner
of the Land Office, two thousand dollars; for the salaries of two
assistant clerks to the Commissioner of the Land Office, thirteen
hundred dollars each, twenty-six hundred dollars; for the sal-
aries of two index clerks to the Commissioner of the Land Office
one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; for the salary
of the Commander of the State Fishery Force, two thousand
dollars; for the salary of the Deputy Commander of the police
steamer "Governor McLane," fifteen hundred dollars.
For the salaries of the Chief Judges of the first seven Judicial
Circuits, five thousand eight hundred dollars each, forty thous-
and six hundred dollars; for the salaries of the fifteen associate
judges of the first seven Judicial Circuits, three thousand six
hundred dollars each, fifty-four thousand dollars; for the sal-
aries of the Judge of the Court of Appeals from Baltimore City,
five thousand eight hundred dollars, and for the Chief Judge
and nine associate Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City, four thousand five hundred dollars each, fifty thousand-
eight hundred dollars; for the salary of the Attorney General,
three thousand dollars; for the commissions to attorneys on claims
of the State placed in their hands for collection, five thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for the salary
of the crier of the Court of Appeals, one thousand dollars.
For the system of free public schools (white and colored) in
the several counties and the City of Baltimore, and for the State