ing the game and fish laws of this State and County aforesaid,
he may apply to the Governor to commission such persons as
he may designate to act as deputy game warden in Baltimore
County to enforce the game and fish laws of this State and said
County. If the Governor approved such designated persons he
shall appoint them deputy game wardens, such deputy game
wardens shall not receive a salary from the State or Baltimore
County, but shall, be paid such compensation out of the fines
collected for violations of the game and fish laws of said State
or County imposed in cases which they may have prosecuted,
and shall be allowed by the chief game warden of Baltimore
County aforesaid.
SEC. 17-F. And be it further enacted, That the Governor
shall issue to each person so appointed as deputy game warden a
commission and shall transmit his commission to the office of
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, who shall
forthwith notify the chief game warden of Baltimore County of
the receipt of said commission, and the Governor may revoke
and annul any such appointment at any time at his pleasure
or upon the recommendation of the chief game warden of Balti-
more County.
SEC. 17-G. And be it further enacted, That every deputy
game warden so appointed shall before entering upon the duties
of his office take and subscribe before the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Baltimore County the oath or affirmation prescribed
by the sixth section of the First Article of the Constitution
of this State, and shall subscribe his name in the test book in
the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County.
The deputy game wardens so appointed after having taken said
oath or affirmation and having subscribed their names in the
test book as aforesaid, shall in said Baltimore County possess
and exercise the authority and powers conferred by law upon
policemen in Baltimore County, as far as arresting and prosecut-
ing persons for violating any of the fish or game laws of this
State and County are concerned, and they are hereby vested
with the additional power to arrest without warrant and search
any person or persons suspected or known to be guilty of violat-
ing any of the provisions of the game and fish laws of this State
and of Baltimore County, and to forthwith take any, and all such
persons before some justice of the peace of Baltimore County, to
be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the game and
fish laws of this State and Baltimore County.