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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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head of such hawk, owl or weasel so taken or killed within the
limits of Baltimore County, so as to prevent a second allowance.

SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That the chief game
warden of Baltimore County is hereby authorized in his dis-
cretion to pay said sum of fifty cents for each and every hawk,
owl or weasel as shown in said certificate to have been taken
or killed within the limits of Baltimore County.

SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County shall, on or before the first day
of May, A. D.,1914, and every two years thereafter appoint a
game warden for Baltimore County, who shall be recommended
to them by the Baltimore County Game and Fish Protective
Association (incorporated March 16, 1911), the Con-
stitution and By-Laws of said Association, and who shall hold
office for two years, or until his successor shall have been ap-
pointed and qualified, whichever shall first occur. The person
so appointed chief game warden for Baltimore County shall
have been a resident and voted in said County for not less than
four years next preceding his appointment. And said chief
game warden of Baltimore County shall receive a salary to be
retained by him from moneys coming into his hands from the
issuance of hunting and gunning licenses as herein provided,
and the collection of fines for the violation of the fish and game
laws of Baltimore County of six hundred dollars, and the rea-
sonable expense of his office not to exceed four hundred dollars
in any one year; providing the receipts of said office shall equal
that amount and all money over and above said amounts shall
be used by the said chief game warden of Baltimore County, in
purchasing, procuring, protecting and propagating game in
Baltimore County. The chief game warden for Baltimore
County may be removed at any time by the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County, after it shall have been affirm-
atively made to appear upon written charges, preferred at least
ten days prior to the hearing thereon, that said chief game
warden has neglected or improperly discharged the duties of
his office. And the chief game warden for Baltimore County
so appointed shall, before entering upon the duties of his office,
take and subscribe before an officer empowered under the law
of this State to take or receive affidavits in Baltimore County
the oath or affirmation prescribed by the sixth Section of the
First Article of the Constitution of this State.

SEC. 17-A. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the chief game warden for Baltimore County to have


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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