days nor more than thirty days in the discretion of the Court
or a Justice of the Peace imposing said fine. Except, however,
any owner or owners of dog or dogs, male or female, between
September first and November ninth, exclusive, of both dates,
shall be permitted to run or train his dog or dogs provided he
accompanies it or them, but in so doing, he shall not be permitted
to carry a gun. Any person or persons who shall harbor or
permit any dog or dogs, male or female, to remain on or about
his or their premises, shall be deemed the owner of such dog or
dogs, male or female, for the purposes of this Section.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Baltimore County shall pay over at the end
of each and every month all moneys or funds received by him
for licenses, as herein provided, to the chief game warden of
Baltimore County, whose appointment is hereinafter provided
for by this Act, which moneys shall be expended by him as here-
inafter provided for.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That all deputy game
wardens, the chief game warden of Baltimore County and all
State game wardens are hereby empowered to make arrests and
search without a warrant any person or persons upon their see-
ing, knowing or suspecting of any violation of any of the pro-
visions of this Act, and are hereby expressly exempted from
liabilities on account of any trespass or trespasses when in the
discharge of their duty or on account of any arrest or arrests
that he or they may make while in the performance or discharge
of their duties.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That every person who
is a bona fide resident of Baltimore County shall in the discre-
tion of chief game warden for Baltimore County be entitled to
an allowance from the license fund in the hands of the chief
game warden for Baltimore County, a fee of fifty cents for
every hawk, owl or weasel taken and killed by such person
within the limits of said County.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That any person killing
any hawk, owl or weasel shall produce the head of the same
before some justice of the peace of said County, and make oath
that said hawk, owl or weasel was taken and killed within the
limits of Baltimore County, within six days then preceding, and
the justice shall thereupon give such person a certificate wherein
he shall set forth the oath and shall at the same time destroy the