clerk shall issue said permit he shall require the applicant thereof
to produce before him satisfactory written testimony from at
least two scientific men certifying to the good character of the
applicant, and that he is a proper person to be entrusted with
such privilege, and he shall also demand from said applicant a
good and sufficient bond, to be approved by said clerk, in the
sum of one hundred dollars, conditioned for the strict observ-
ance of the privilege so granted; should the person obtaining
such permit catch any of the birds mentioned in Section 4 or
disturb or destroy the eggs or young as mentioned in Section 5
of this Article for other than scientific purposes, he shall for-
feit to the County the bond herein required to be given, and
shall also be subject for each offense to the penalty provided in
this Section for other purposes.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the possession by any
person or persons within said County, of any of the birds men-
tioned in Section 4 of this Act, whether taken in the State of
Maryland or elsewhere, shall be prima facie evidence of the
violation by such person or persons of Section 4 of this Act, and
it shall be the duty of any constable, police officer, sheriff,
deputy sheriff, deputy game warden or chief game warden of
said County to arrest any and all persons they may detect in or
Who may be charged with the violations of Sections 4 or 5 of
this Act, and take them before a justice of the peace to be dealt
with according to law.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That no person shall
shoot or in any manner catch, kill, trap, pursue, injure, hunt,
take or have in possession in Baltimore County any rabbit, jack-
rabbit, cotton-tail, pheasant, ruffed-grouse, ring-necked pheas-
ant, partridge or quail between December 20th and November
10th, exclusive, of both dates, or upon any Sunday or election
day, or when the ground is sufficiently covered with snow to
track the rabbits or birds above mentioned; and no person shall
shoot or in any manner catch, kill, trap, pursue, injure, hunt,
take or have in possession in Baltimore County any squirrel be-
tween September 30th and September 1st, exclusive of both
dates or upon any Sunday. Any person or persons violating
the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall be fined five dollars and costs
for each and every offense, and an additional five dollars for
every rabbit, jack-rabbit, cotton-tail, pheasant, ruffed grouse,
ring-necked pheasant, partridge, quail or squirrel killed,