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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 521   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts of 1910, said additional Sections to be known as Sections
10-A, 10-B and 17-E, 17-F, 17-G, 17-H, 17-I, 17-J, 17-K, 17-L,
17-M, 17-N, 17-0.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 781 of the Acts of 1912, entitled "An Act
to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 4 to 17-D, in-
clusive, of Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, title "Baltimore County," sub-title "Birds and,Game,"
as enacted by Chapter 527 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland of the Session of 1910, and to repeal Sections 37
to 41, inclusive, of Article 99 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title "Wild Fowl, Birds and Game," sub-
title "Game Warden," so far as the same relates to Baltimore
County, and to add additional Sections to said Article 3 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, as enacted by Chap-
ter 527 of the Acts of 1910, said additional Sections to be known
as Sections 10-A, 10-B and 17-E, 17-F, 17-G, 17-H, 17-I, 17-J,
17-K, 17-L, 17-M, 17-N and 17-0, be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:

SEC. 4. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to kill or
injure in Baltimore County any of the following named birds,
to wit: Ground sparrow, whippoorwill, wren, pewit, gold finch,
sapsucker, robin, ground robin, hanging bird, woodpecker, blue
jay, swallow, house swallow, martin, bee martin, red bird, blue
bird, oriole, thrush or mocking bird.

SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons, knowingly and unnecessarily to destroy
or disturb the nest, egg or young of any of the birds mentioned
In the preceding Section in Baltimore County.

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That any person or per-
sons violating either of the two preceding Sections that on con-
viction thereof be fined a sum of not less than two dollars and
not more than ten dollars for each and every offense with the
cost of prosecution; and all prosecutions shall be in the name of
the State before a justice of the peace of said County, provided
that any one applying to the clerk of the Circuit Court of Bal-
timore County may obtain a permit good for one year from the
date of issue by paying to the said clerk the sum of five dollars,
authorizing the holder thereof to catch any birds, collect and
take nests and eggs for scientific purposes only, without being
subject to the penalty imposed by this Section; but before said


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 521   View pdf image (33K)
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