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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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Keeper, by adding a new Section thereto, to follow immedi-
ately after Section 73 and to be designated as Section 73-A,
providing for the surrender and cancellation of any ordinary
licensed issued under the provisions of Section 73 of this Ar-
ticle, and the refunding of the pro rata cost thereof for the
unexpired term.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 56 of the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland (Bagby's), title, Licenses, sub-title, Ordinary Keeper,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Section
thereto, to immediately follow, Section 73 and to be designated
as Section 73-A, and to read as follows:

SEC. 73-A. Any holder of an ordinary license issued under
the provisions of Section 73 of this Article, in case the premises
for which said license is granted shall be destroyed by fire, or
in case for any other reason the business conducted in such
premises shall cease during the term for which said license was
granted, and who shall surrender such license to the Clerk issu-
ing the same, shall be entitled to have the amount paid for such
license refunded pro rata for the unexpired portion of the term
for which such license was granted, less Ten Dollars; provided
that no refund shall be allowed or paid upon the surrender of
such license, unless the same shall have at least one full calen-
dar month yet to run. Upon the surrender of said license, the
Clerk of the Court issuing the same shall thereupon compute
the amount of the refund then due on said license for the un-
expired term thereof, less Ten Dollars, and shall execute dupli-
cate vouchers therefor, showing the name of the person to whom
the original license was issued, the number of said license, the
date when issued, the amount paid therefor, and the date when
surrendered for cancellation, together with the amount of refund
due at such date as computed by him, and the name of the person
entitled to receive the refund; and said Clerk shall deliver to the
person entitled thereto one of said vouchers, and retain the
other, and shall pay to the person entitled thereto, or his per-
sonal representatives or assigns the amount called for by such,
vouchers, out of such funds from the proceeds of ordinary
licenses as may be in his hands as Clerk of said Court at the
time, or if insufficient funds are in his hands at the time of the
surrender for cancellation of such license, then out of the first
funds from the proceeds of such Ordinary Licenses that come
into his hands, and in his next quarterly statement and ac-
counting to the State of Maryland, he shall be entitled to full


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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