SEC. 15. If any person shall sell or dispose of any strong
liquor to any inmate of said almshouse, he shall forfeit the sum
of twenty-five dollars.
SEC. 16. All the pains, penalties and forfeitures imposed by
this glib-title of this Article shall be recovered in the Circuit
Court by action of debt or indictment, one-half to the informant
and the other half to the use of the almshouse of said County.
SEC. 17. All sheriffs, bailiffs, constables and other officers
shall assist the County Commissioners for Frederick County,
and the officers appointed by them, in the discharge of their
respective duties.
SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff to furnish, under
oath, once each month, to the County Commissioners of Freder-
ick County, a full and complete list of the names and descrip-
tions of all persons confined in the jail, with a statement of the
length of time and offense for which they are committed, and
the name of the officer by whom committed. For any neglect
by the Sheriff to comply with this or any other Section, he shall
be subject, upon indictment and conviction, to a fine of not less
than five hundred dollars.
SEC. 19. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff to exhibit to the
County Commissioners of Frederick County whenever demanded
by them, or by either of them, or books, papers and commit-
ments kept by him pertaining to prisoners in the jail; and it
shall likewise be his duty to keep a Correct and full schedule or
statement of all persons committed to the jail, showing the
length of time for which they are committed, and the offense for
which they are committed, and the name of the officer by whom
Committed which schedule or statement shall at all times be open
to the inspection of the Commissioners. For any neglect by the
Sheriff to comply with any provision of this Section, he shall
be liable to the fine prescribed in the preceding Section.
SEC. 20. And the said County Commissioners of Frederick
County shall pay all expenses authorized by this Act from
amounts of money levied by them for the purposes of this Act
in like manner as monied expended by them are dispersed and
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage, and all other Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent herewith shall be repealed.
Approved March 10th, 1914.