thereto, to follow Section 34, to be designated as Section 34 A-1
and Section 34 A-2 to read as follows :
SEC. 34 A-1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be unlawful, f or any person or persons
to shoot, trap, catch, or kill, or gun or hunt for any English
or Mongolian pheasant, American pheasant, Bohemian part-
ridge or Hungarian partridge or ruffed grouse in Dorchester
County, until the opening of the lawful gunning season of the
year 1919.
SEC. 34 A-2. That any person or persons violating any of
the provisions of this Act shall upon conviction thereof before
a Justice of the Peace, or in the Circuit Court of Dorchester
County, be fined $25.00 for each and every offense, and to stand
committed to jail until such fine and costs are paid.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10th, 1914.
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 520 of the Acts of 1908, entitled An
Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 3 and 4
of Chapter 47 1/2 of the Acts of 1910, and to repeal Chapter
47 1/2 of the Acts of 1906, entitled An Act to repeal and re-
enact with amendments Chapter 509 of the Acts of 1904,
entitled An Act to regulate the hunting, shooting or trapping
of wild geese, wild ducks, snipe, ortolan, reed bird, muskrat
and all other birds and wild fowl on the Patuxent River, its
tributaries and the marshes of said river and its tributaries.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 520 of the Acts of 1908, entitled An Act to
repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 3 and 4 of
Chapter 471 1/2 of the Acts of 1906, and Chapter 471 1/2 of the
Acts of 1906, entitled An Act to repeal and re-enact with
amendments Chapter 509 of the Acts of 1904, entitled An Act
to regulate the hunting, shooting and trapping of wild geese,
wild duck, snipe, ortolan, reed bird, muskrat and any other
birds and wild fowl on the Patuxent Biver, its tributaries,
and the marshes of said river and its tributaries, be and the
same is hereby repealed.