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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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and shall be publicly opened on the day and at the hour named
in said advertisement, and said proposals setting forth the
amount of money for which the parties proposing will com-
plete the building according to the plan and specifications, and
the time or times at which payment therefor shall be made, and
the time when said building shall be completed; and the said
building committee may reject any or all bids, or may award the
contract to the lowest responsible bidder upon such bidder giv-
ing bond to the State of Maryland in such penalty as said
building committee shall determine, conditioned for the faithful
discharge of the contract entered into, which bond shall be lia-
ble at the suit of the Board of County School Commissioners of
Anne Arundel County for violations of its conditions; and said
building committee is hereby authorized and required to em-
ploy a skilled and competent architect under whose control and
supervision, as to material and workmanship, such building shall
be erected; and said building committee shall also in like man-
ner determine upon the proper furnishing of the rooms of said
addition or additions, and shall at such time as it may deem
proper, advertise for such furniture as in its discretion will be
suitable for the uses and conveniences of said addition or addi-
tions and the several rooms therein, and shall award the con-
tract therefor to the lowest responsible bidder, reserving the
right to reject any and all bids; and said building committee
shall also advertise for the installation of a heating plant of
sufficient capacity to heat said addition or additions and also
the public school building recently erected, and shall award the
contract therefor to the lowest bidder, reserving the right to
reject any and all bids.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said building committee up-
on entering into any contract or contracts, as mentioned in the
preceding Section, shall forthwith make report or reports to the
Board of County School Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County, fully setting forth the terms and character of said con-
tract or contracts and the debts incurred thereby.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That to provide for the erection
and furnishing of said addition or additions and the installation
of said heating plant, the Board of County School Commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel County, are hereby authorized and di-
rected to borrow, on the endorsement of the County Commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel County, who are hereby authorized
and directed to endorse said bonds, on the credit of said County,
an amount not exceeding the sum of twenty thousand dollars,


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 466   View pdf image (33K)
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