Arundel County doing the County printing a full statement of
the exact condition of said sinking fund.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said County Commission-
ers shall have power at any time out of any surplus funds be-
longing to the said County to purchase and retire any of the
bonds hereby authorized to be issued at their market value.
And the same to cancel and destroy, after entering upon their
books the date of such purchase and of such cancellation and
the dates, amounts, numbers and other particulars of the said
bonds, respectively; provided, that no bonds shall be purchased
unless all coupons thereof, respectively, not then due shall re-
main attached to such bonds at the time of purchase.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That no bonds shall be delivered
to the said railroad company by the said County Commissioners
until first the said railroad of the said company shall be built
and completely constructed, equipped, put in running order and
open for regular passage and freight service from the tidewater
at Drum Point on the Chesapeake Bay, through Calvert and
Anne Arundel Counties to a point in said Anne Arundel Coun-
ty at least as far north as Millersville on the Washington, Balti-
more and Annapolis Electric Railway; and second, until regular
through passenger and freight trains are running at least six
days in every week from the said Drum Point to the City of
Baltimore, over the railroad of the said Baltimore and Vir-
ginia Railroad Company from the said Drum Point to a point
in said Anne Arundel County at least as far north as Millers-
ville, and from thence either over the railroad on the said Balti-
more and Virginia Railroad Company, if said railroad shall
have been constructed and put in running order, from Millers-
ville to the City of Baltimore, or if said railroad shall not then
have been constructed and put in running order from Millers-
ville to Baltimore City over the railroad of some company with
which the said Baltimore and Virginia Railroad Company shall
have effected such arrangement as will enable it to run the said
through trains into the City of Baltimore; provided that before
the said County Commissioners of said County are authorized
and directed to issue said bonds, the question of whether said
railroad is fully constructed and in operation as above required,
shall be submitted to a Commission composed of the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County, and the Counsel to
the Board of County Commissioners, who shall examine the road-
bed of said road, the rolling stock and car service upon the same
and if the said Commissioners or a majority of them shall re-