the position to be held by any challenger or representative shall
be outside of the guard rail; the ballot box shall not be more
than six feet from said rail inside the same; it shall be unlawful
for said representative to inquire or ascertain for what candi-
date or candidates any voter may intend to vote, or has voted,
or to confer in the polling-room with any voter, or to aid or
assist him in the preparation of his ballot.
SEC. 161-U. Candidates to be voted for at all general muni-
cipal elections at which a Mayor and Councilmen are to be
elected under the provisions of this Act, shall be nominated by a
primary election, and no other name shall be placed on the gen-
eral ballot, except those selected in the manner hereinafter de-
scribed. The primary election for such nomination shall be held
on the second Monday preceding the general municipal election
and the judges of the Municipal Election shall be the judges of
the primary election, and the polls shall be opened and closed at
the same hours and with the same clerks as are required for
the general municipal election. Any person desiring to become
a candidate for Mayor or Councilman, shall at least ten days
prior to said primary election, file with the Board of Super-
visor of Elections for the City of Hagerstown, a statement of
such candidacy in substantially the following form:
Candidate for nomination for.............................
being first duly sworn, say that I reside at ..................
City of Hagerstown, County of Washington, State of Mary-
land, that I am a qualified voter therein, that I am above
twenty-five years of age, a citizen of the United States and
five years a resident of the area embraced in the limits of said
City next preceding the election, that I am a candidate for nomi-
nation to the office of.....................................
............................. to be voted for at the primary
election to be held on the............ day of............ 19....
and I hereby request that my name be printed upon the official
primary ballot for a nomination by such primary election for
such office.
Signed ..................................................
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me..............