SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That in order to carry out the pur-
poses of this Act, there is hereby appropriated the sum of
ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1915, and the further
sum of twenty thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1916, for
the purposes defined in this Act, each of said sums to be
paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, and the State Comptroller shall draw his warrant
upon the Treasurer of Maryland, for the appropriations hereby
made, upon the order or orders presented to the State Comp-
troller by the Board of Trustees of the Maryland Agricultural
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 16th, 1914.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 47, 48
and 50 of Article 100 of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Work, Hours of, in Factories," sub-title "Employment of
Minors," as enacted by Chapter 731 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland for 1912, and to increase the ap-
propriation of money therefor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Marti
land, That Sections 47, 48 and 50 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title "Work, Hours of, in Factories," sub-
title "Employment of Minors," as enacted by Chapter 731 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1912,
be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments so as to read as follows:
47. No fee shall be charged or collected from any minor, or
from his parents, guardian, legal custodian or next friend, for
any service rendered by the Bureau of Statistics and Informa-
tion, or by any school, or other officer issuing a permit, or for
any school certificate or physician's certificate issued under the
provisions of this Act; but in the Counties the physician or phy-
sicians designated by the Superintendent of Schools for each
County, shall be entitled to receive a fee of fifty cents for each
physician's certificate issued by him under the provisions of this
Article, said sum to be paid by the Bureau of Statistics and
Information on the warrant of the Superintendent of Schools
of said County.