thorize and direct the Clerk of the Court to draw from the box
such additional jurors as are necessary to fill vacancies, and
such drawing shall have the same effect as if made in the pres-
ence of one or more of the Judges of the court.
127-D. Immediately after the said forty-eight have been
so drawn and the numbers thereon and the names corresponding
thereto have been recorded as provided in Section 127-B, the
Judge or Judges shall place the aforesaid forty-eight balls in
the compartment of said box other than the one from which they
were drawn, together with the certified list of one hundred and
fifty names, and shall cause the said box to be closed and locked
securely, and keeping the keys thereof, shall deposit the box with
the Clerk of the said Court, to be by him safely kept, free from
any handling or interference by any person whatever, unless
it be in the presence or by the direction of one of the Judges
of said Court, and then only in the manner herein provided,
and if at the beginning of the term for which they were drawn
any grand juror shall be absent or unable to attend for any
cause whatever, or be disqualified or excused by the court and
additional grand jurors be needed, the Judge or Judges of the
said Circuit Court may select from the list of names constituting
the petit jury such juror or jurors as to him or them may seem
best, having regard to their proximity to the place of the meet-
ing of said court, and the possibility of securing their speedy
attendance, and order the Sheriff to summon such juror or
jurors; and if at the time of the assembling of the petit jury as
aforesaid or for the trials of any cause or causes, whether civil
or criminal, at any time during the term, a talesman or talesmen
be required, the Judge or Judges of the said Court may draw
from the aforesaid box as many as may in his or their judgment
be necessary therefor, in the same manner as the original forty-
eight were drawn and order the Sheriff to summon those so
drawn as talesman or talesmen, or the said Judge or Judges may
order the Sheriff to summon such talesman or talesmen from
the community at large, as heretofore practiced.
127-E. No person shall be drawn and summoned again as
a grand or petit juror for a term of court until the expiration
of two years from the term of court at which he last served.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed in so far as they apply
to Garrett County, but the provisions of Article 51 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland which are not inconsistent