Public Local Laws, title "Garrett County," sub-title "Jurors,"
be and the same are hereby repealed, and be it further enacted,
that four Sections be and the same are hereby added to Article
12 of the Code of Public Local Laws, to follow Section 127-A
as added by the Act of 1900, Chapter 374, and to be known as
Sections 127-B, 127-C, 127-D and 127-E, and to read as follows:
127-B. Instead of causing the names to be written upon bal-
lots and placed in and drawn from a box, as provided in Sec-
tion 8 of Article 51 oi the Code of Public General Laws, the
Judge or Judges of said Court may in his or their discretion
in lieu thereof require the Clerk of said Court to provide a box
of sufficient dimensions, and to have the same divided into two
compartments, and further, to provide one hundred and fifty
white balls, each of the same, size, plainly and clearly marked
with numbers from one to one hundred and fifty, respectively,
which said balls shall be placed in one of the compartments of
said box and thoroughly shaken and well mixed, and after the
list of one hundred and fifty names shall have been selected and
certified to, as provided in the preceding Section the said Judge
or Judges shall then cause the Clerk or one of his deputies, whom
the said Judge or Judges shall designate, neither the one nor
the other who may be so required to act to be present at the
selection of the said list of one hundred and fifty names, to
appear before him or them, and then and there in the presence
of said Judge or Judges and such other persons as may choose to
be present to draw from the compartment in which said balls
have been placed, through the opening made by removing the
sliding top thereof as will only conveniently admit the hand and
without in any manner looking into said box, one by one forty-
eight of said balls, and as each of said balls is drawn from said
box, it shall be handed to the said Judge or Judges, who shall
announce the number thereon, together with the name on the
list of one hundred and fifty names corresponding to said num-
ber so drawn, and the said forty-eight names corresponding to
the forty-eight numbers so drawn shall with said numbers be
duly recorded by said Judge or Judges, or by the Clerk or one
of his deputies in their presence and under their direction, and
in the order in which they shall be drawn.
127-C. Of the forty-eight jurors so drawn, as provided in
the preceding Section, the Judge or Judges on the day on which
they were so drawn shall select and appoint one as the foreman
of the grand jury at the next ensuing term of said Circuit
Court; and of the remaining forty-seven names, the first twenty-