burg Confession in Baltimore, Maryland, dated February 3rd,
1914, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber SCL No. 2876, folio 513, etc., of property on the west
side of Battery Avenue at the distance of sixteen feet southerly
from Little Church Street, and having a frontage of thirty-
three feet on Battery Avenue and a depth of even width west-
erly of fifty-one feet and four inches to the east side of a three-
foot alley; with full power to the said Martini German Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession
in Baltimore, Maryland, to hold, mortgage, sell, convey, lease
or otherwise dispose of any and all property acquired under
the lease and deed aforesaid.
(52) To the bequest under the last will and testament of
Susan A. Hallett, late of Baltimore City, deceased, dated Sep-
tember 28th, 1897, to the "Women's Foreign Missionary Society
of the M. E. Church South."
(53) To the bequest under the last will and testament of
George W. Davis, late of Harford County, deceased, dated De-
cember 6th, 1912, to "The Ministers and Trustees of Union
Chapel M. P. Church in Harford County in the State of Mary-
land" and (b) unto the "Regular Baptist Church of Harford
County and State of Maryland."
(54) To the bequest under the last will and testament of
Drusilla T. Close, late of Baltimore City, deceased, dated De-
cember 9th, 1904, to "Babcock Memorial Presbyterian Church
of Baltimore City.''
(55) To the bequest under the last will and testament of
John Gill, late of Baltimore City, deceased, duly probated in the
Orphans' Court of Baltimore City, of the sum of five thousand
dollars to the Vestry of Christ Church in the City of Balti-
(56) To the deed, sale, grant and conveyance from Samuel
D. Phillips and Jennie Phillips, his wife, and Abraham Free-
denberg and Rebecca Leah Freedenberg, his wife, to the Trus-
tees of the Aitz Chaim Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore City,
a body corporate, of the two lots or parcels of ground situate
in Baltimore County, and more particularly described in said
deed from the said Abraham Freedenberg and Rebecca Leah
Freedenberg, his wife, to the Trustees of the Aitz Chaim Hebrew
Congregation of Baltimore City, a body corporate, dated the
third day of February, 1911, and recorded among the Land