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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1442   View pdf image (33K)
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sufficiently large to cover the catastrophe hazard. The Com-
mission shall also set up and maintain a reserve adequate to
meet anticipated losses and carry all claims and policies to

SEC. 24. The Treasurer of the State shall be the custodian
of the State Accident Fund and all disbursements therefrom
shall be paid by him upon order or voucher, approved and
signed by the chairman or acting chairman and secretary of
the Commission, and directed to the Comptroller of the State,
who shall draw his warrant therefor. It shall be the duty of
the Treasurer to keep and maintain the fund herein created
separate and distinct from other State funds. On and after
January 1st, 1915, the obligation in the bond of the State
Treasurer shall contain a provision securing the protection of
this fund.

SEC. 25. Whenever and as often as there shall be in the
hands of the Treasurer any sum belonging to the State Accident
Fund not likely, in the opinion of the Commission, to be re-
quired for immediate use, it shall be the duty of the Board
of Public Works, when called upon by the Commission, to invest
the same in interest-bearing securities, such as are accepted by
the equity courts of Baltimore City for the investment of
trust funds, and when and as it may become necessary or ex-
pedient to use the moneys so loaned or invested the Board of
Public Works shall, when called upon by the Commission, collect
or sell or otherwise realize upon any such loan or investment,
and any interest accruing upon any such loan or investment,
as well as any interest received upon the deposit of moneys
belonging to said fund shall be credited to said fund.

The State Treasurer may deposit any portion of the State
fund not needed for immediate use, in the manner and subject to
all the provisions of law respecting the deposit of other State
funds by him. Interest earned by such portion of the State
Accident Fund deposited by the State Treasurer shall be col-
lected by him and placed to the credit of the fund.

SEC. 26. Any employer, after entering the State Accident
Fund may withdraw from said fund after the period of one
year upon giving sixty (60) days' written notice of his inten-
tion so to do and upon paying all arrears, if any, of premiums
due the said fund and such other equitable assessments as may
be determined by the Commission to cover accidents occurring
in the industries in which his occupation may be classified, pro-


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1442   View pdf image (33K)
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