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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1441   View pdf image (33K)
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every four months submit a report to the Commission herein
created according to the regulations and requirements it may
prescribe, of his payroll for the four months then ending. A
failure to comply with this Section shall subject the employer to
an extra contribution of one hundred dollars to be collected
by the Commission in a civil action in its name. The amount
collected under this Section shall be paid into the State Acci-
dent Fund.

Any employer who shall with fraudulent intent misrepresent
to the Commission the amount of payroll upon which the pre-
mium under this Act is based shall be liable to the Commission
in ten times the amount of the difference in the premium paid
and the amount the employe should have paid. The liability
to the Commission under this provision shall be enforced in
a civil action in the name of the Commission. All sums col-
lected under this Section shall be paid into the State Accident

SEC. 22. If an employer shall default in any payment re-
quired to be made by him to the State Accident Fund, the
amount due from him shall be collected by civil action against
him in the name of the State of Maryland, and it shall be the
duty of the Commission on the first Monday of each month after
November first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, to certify to
the Attorney-General of the State the names and residences, or
places of business, of all employers known to the Commission
to be in default for such payment or payments for a longer
period than five days and the amount due from each employer,
and it shall then be the duty of the Attorney-General forth-
with to bring or cause to be brought against each employer a
civil action in the proper court for the collection of such amount
so due, and the same when collected, shall be paid into the
State Accident Fund, and each employer's compliance with
the provisions of this Chapter requiring payments to be made
to the State Accident Fund shall date from the time of the
payment of said money so collected as aforesaid to the said
Commission for credit to the State Accident Fund.

SEC. 23. Ten per centum of the premiums collected from
employers insured in the State Accident Fund shall be set aside
by the Commission for the creation of a surplus until such sur-
plus shall amount to the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and
thereafter five per centum of such premiums until such time
as in the judgment of said Commission such surplus shall be


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1441   View pdf image (33K)
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