and any supplements or amendments thereto creating the Public
Service Commission of Maryland.
Approved April 13th, 1914.
AN ACT to add two additional Sections to Article 81 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Revenue and
Taxes," to be known as Sections 153-A and 162-A, as contained
in the Code of 1912, and to thereby provide a method for the
assessment and taxation of the stock of banks (State and Na-
tional) located and doing business in this State, and fix a rate
of taxation for all County, City and Municipal purposes
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following two additional Sections be and the
same are hereby added to Article 81 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, title "Revenue and Taxes," to be
known as Sections 153-A and 162-A, respectively, and to
respectively follow Section 153 and Section 162 in said Article
as contained in the Code of 1912, which new Sections shall read
as follows:
153-A. In making the annual report to the State Tax Com-
missioner provided for in the preceding Section of this Article,
the president, cashier or other chief officer of every bank (State
and National), located and doing business in this State, shall ex-
pressly state in such report the amount of the capital stock paid
in, the amount of surplus, and the amount of undivided profits,
together with such other information as may be required by the
said Commissioner under the provisions of the preceding Sec-
162-A. The State Tax Commissioner shall take into consider-
ation, in determining the taxable values of the shares of stock
of any bank (State or National), located and doing business in
this State (except in case of such banks as are in liquidation),
the capital stock paid in, its surplus and undivided profits, as
provided for in Section 153-A of this Act and from the valua-
tion which the State Tax Commissioner may find, shall be de-
ducted the assessed value of the real property belonging to and
assessed to such bank, and the assessed value of all other
property or investments held or owned by banks now author-
ized by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1908 of the General Assem-