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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1425   View pdf image (33K)
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1902, Chapter 476, said additional Section to follow Section
359-A, of said Article, and to be designated as Section 359-B.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following Additional Section be added to Article
11 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Fred-
erick County," sub-title "Middletown," as re-enacted by the
General Assembly of Maryland, Acts of 1896, Chapter 96, and
as amended by Acts of 1902, Chapter 476, said additional Sec-
tion to follow Section 359-A of said Article, and to be known
and designated as Section 359-B, to read as follows:

SEC. 359-B. In addition to the powers conferred upon the
Burgess and Commissioners of Middletown, they shall have
power to regulate, by ordinance, the building and maintenance
of smoke flues, fire places, hot air flues, boilers, smoke stacks,
chimneys and stove pipes, and to have any such removed, re-
paired or reconstructed whenever, in the judgment of the Bur-
gess and Commissioners of Middletown, the same may be dan-
gerous to or menace the property wherein such structures are,
or any adjacent or contiguous property, and the expense of al-
tering, removal, repairing or reconstructing, when done by the
corporate authorities, shall be a lien on the property where such
removal, repairs or reconstruction is done. The said Burgess
and Commissioners shall likewise have power to regulate by
ordinance the erection and maintenance of stables, hog pens
and out-houses within the corporate limits of said town of Mid-
dletown, and shall have power to prevent the erection or main-
tenance of any such stables, hog pens or out-houses within a
distance of forty feet from the pavement line on what is known
as Main street, Broad street and Prospect street in said town
of Middletown. The said Burgess and Commissioners shall like-
wise have power to contract with any railway, electric light or
gas company, for such period of time as said Burgess and Com-
missioners may by ordinance provide, for the introduction into
said town of gas pipes, electric wires or conduits for the pur-
pose of supplying gas or electricity for the use of the residents
thereof, or to light the streets of said town; and, by ordinance,
to grant franchises to any such railway, gas or electric company,
permitting said companies to lay pipes or conduits and string
wires for the purpose of supplying said town or the residents
thereof with gas or electricity; all the powers granted herein
shall be subject, in all respects, to the provisions of the Acts of
the Assembly of the State of Maryland of 1910, Chapter 180,


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1425   View pdf image (33K)
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