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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1422   View pdf image (33K)
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an amount sufficient to meet all expenses incident to the plan-
ning, establishing, or acquiring of sewerage or drainage system
in or for said districts or areas.

529-O. Be it further enacted, That upon the completion or
establishment, by purchase or otherwise, of any sewerage or
drainage system in Prince George's County, the said Commis-
sion shall have the power and authority, upon the recommenda-
tion of the State Board of Health, to require any owner or
property within a reasonable distance thereof, to connect his
house or property therewith, and any person or corporation
failing to make such connection within thirty days after re-
ceiving such notice from said Commission, that a connection
shall be made, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and pay a fine
of ten dollars a day for each and every day over thirty days
that elapses before such connection is made, and the directors
of any corporation failing to mke such connection when ordered
shall each pay a fine of ten dollars a day for each and every
day over thirty days that elapses before such connection is made,
provided, however, that such parties shall have the right to file
an appeal before the expiration of said thirty days, praying
relief from the order of the Commission, in which case the
time limit shall operate from the date on which the decision
on the appeal is rendered.

529-P. And be it further enacted, That upon the passage of
this Act, the Commission shall notify every individual, corpora-
tion, or municipality operating a sewerage or drainage system
in said County, by mailing them a copy of this Act. And such
parties so notified shall within ninety days file with said Com-
mission, a plan of the sewerage or drainage system by them
operated; a map showing its extent and the limits of the aiea
served; the location, size, nature, and grade of the various
conduits or pipe system; the approximate number of people
it serves and the cost of its installation and maintenance, which
data after being revised and verified to as full an extont as
possible, shall be filed as part of the sewerage and drainage
records of said County. After the passage of this Act, every
individual, corporation or municipality contemplating the con-
struction and establishment of a sewerage system in said County,
shall file in duplicate with the Commission, a set of plans and
specifications of the same, together with an estimate of the cost
of said system. Said plans and specifications shall be submitted
to the State Board of Health for approval as to character, and
sanitary efficiency. And if they so approve they shall endorse


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1422   View pdf image (33K)
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