AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Charles
County to pay to Ferdinand C. Cooksey the sum of one hun-
dred ($100) dollars for extra services as State's Attorney dur-
ing the year 1911.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Charles County be and
are hereby authorized and directed, at the time of making the
county levy for the year 1914, to levy for the use of Ferdinand
C. Cooksey, the sum of one hundred dollars for services as
State's Attorney for Charles County during the year 1911 in
the cases of State of Maryland vs. Henry Brady, Tony Eva and
George Wallace, said case having been heard in Westmoreland
County, Virginia, and the case of State of Maryland vs. Mc-
Pherson Crichton, heard in Montgomery County, Maryland, the
local laws of Charles County preventing the allowance of extra
compensation for these services except by a special Act of Gen-
eral Assembly.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 24th, 1914.
AN ACT to limit the time for taking oysters with rakes or tongs
within the waters of West and Rhode Rivers, and their tribu-
taries from October 15th to April 25th of each year.
WHEREAS, Many persons engaged in tonging oysters for a
living in the lower waters of Anne Arundel County are of the
opinion that it would be better to have a shorter season for tak-
ing oysters in the waters of West and Rhode Rivers, and their
tributaries in Anne Arundel County; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That on and after the passage of this Act it shall not
be lawful for any person to take or catch oysters within the
waters of West or Rhode Rivers and their tributaries in Anne
Arundel County except from the 15th day of October to the
25th day of April in each year, and for the purpose of this
Act, a divisional line between the waters of West and Rhode
Rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay shall be a straight line from