AN ACT to replenish, protect and conserve certain natural
oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State for public use, under
certain restrictions, and for that purpose to add six new Sec-
tions to Article 72 of the Public General Laws of Maryland
as codified in Bagby's Annotated Code, title "Oysters," to
follow Section 131, and to be designated respectively as Elec-
tions 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 and 137.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following six Sections be and the same are hereby
added to Article 72 of the Public General Laws of Maryland as
codified in Bagby's Annotated Code, title "Oysters," to follow
Section 131, and to be designated respectively as Sections 132,
133, 134, 135, 136 and 137, and to read as follows:
SEC. 132. The Commander of the State Fishery Force is here-
by authorized to select and reserve for oyster conservation, as
provided in this Act, any portion or portions of the natural
beds, bars and rocks located along the western shore of the
Chesapeake Bay between the lower end of Holland Point, Bar Rock
and Pungy Harbor Rock. The Commander shall give notice
of said reservation by advertisement to be inserted once a week
for three successive weeks in a newspaper published in Balti-
more City, Anne Arundel County and Calvert County, respec-
tively, which advertisement shall describe the area reserved and
give the date on which the reservation takes effect, and shall
warn all persons not to catch or disturb oysters upon such re-
served area until further notice from the Commander reopening
same for public use. Whenever in the discretion of the Com-
mander such reserved area shall have been replenished, but in
no event later than three years after the beginning of such
reservation, he shall fix a date for reopening same to the pub-
lic, and shall give notice thereof by proper advertisement in-
serted as above provided. Any person who shall catch or dis-
turb any oysters upon such reserved areas between the date such
reservation begins and the date fixed by the Commander for re-
opening same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall be imprisoned in jail or in the House of
Correction for not less than three months, nor more than one
year in the discretion of the Court.
SEC. 133. Any resident of this State holding a dredger's or
scraper's license for the past season may make application to
the Commander of the State Fishery Force at his office in An-