board shall proceed to consider the same, and if the facts are
found as above stated the said teacher shall be placed on a
list, a record of which shall be kept by the said board, to be
known as the "Teachers' Retired List," and every person so
placed on said retired list shall be entitled to receive a pension
from the State of two hundred dollars per annum, to be paid
quarterly by the Treasurer of the State Board of Education,
so long as such pensioner is without other means of comfort-
able support, and the State Board of Education may in extra-
ordinary cases waive the age limit as herein provided; pro-
vided, however, the applicant has all the other qualifications
as provided herein. The Treasurer of the State Board of Edu-
cation shall on or before the twentieth day of the month of
September, December, March and June of each year, certify
to the Comptroller the sum of money necessary for the payment
of said pensions for the current quarter as provided by this
Section, and the Comptroller shall, on or before the first day
of the months of October, January, April and July issue his
warrant on the Treasurer of the State in favor of the Treasurer
of the State Board of Education for the amount so certified.
That the sum of thirty-four thousand dollars, or so much there-
of as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated annually out
of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to
carry into effect the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted by tlie General Assembly of Mary-
land, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 13th, 1914.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Worcester
County to sell or lease to the Maryland Agricultural College
the almshouse farm for demonstration work.
WHEREAS, Worcester County owns one of the best farms in the
State adapted for growing of fruits, vegetables and farm crops,
it being a sandy loam with red clay sub-soil, well drained and
located near the centre of the County, on the main State high-
way, within easy access to all the people of the County, especi-
ally when the State road system is completed, it being two and
a half miles from Snow Hill, the County Seat, fourteen miles
from Pocomoke City and about fourteen miles from Berlin, and