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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1287   View pdf image (33K)
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peake Beach Hotel Company, or the person designated by it, as
many licenses to sell such liquors as may be required, and for
such purposes they shall certify to the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Calvert County the number of licenses so required, and
the location of the premises in which each and every such
licenses is to be used, together with the name of the owner or
lessee thereof, if any. The clerk of said court shall thereupon
issue to said Chesapeake Beach Hotel Company, or to the sev-
eral lessees, the number of licenses designated, upon the payment
of the sum of three hundred dollars for each and every license;
and all such licenses shall be so issued as to begin on the first
day of October of each year and to expire on the 30th day of
September of the following year; provided, however, that from
May 1st, 1914, to the 30th day of September, 1914, shall be a
calendar year, for which the sum of $300.00 shall be paid for each
license so granted, and the minimum license shall always be the
sum of $300.00 a year or any fractional part of a year. The
whole of the money received by the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for the licenses aforesaid shall be paid over by said Clerk to
the State, as other license moneys are paid, as now provided
by law, and when so paid over, the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer in favor of the
County Commissioners of Calvert County for all of said license
fee except the proportion of such licenses as are due the State,
in conformity to the provisions of Article 56 of the Code of
Public General Laws or any amendments thereto for similar
licenses, to be by said Commissioners applied to the payment
of the principal and annual interest on certain Court House
bonds to be issued by them, for the erection of a new Court
House at Prince Frederick, Maryland, and after the payment
of all of said bonds and the interest thereon to be applied to the
permanent improvements of the public roads in said county. Any
person or persons or corporation who shall violate any provis-
ions of this Act, relating to the sale of liquors, wines, cordials
or beer, shall be subjected to the same penalties for first and
subsequent convictions as provided by the Public General Law
for similar offenses. All licenses herein provided for shall be
revoked by said Commissioners if minors are permitted to fre-
quent or loiter about the places so licensed, or disreputable or
disorderly persons are permitted to make the same places of
customary visitation or resort. It shall be unlawful for any
licensee under this Act to sell, barter or give intoxicating liquor
to any intoxicated or disorderly person, or to any minor, except
upon the written order of his or her parent or guardian; or to


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1287   View pdf image (33K)
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