Brought Forward....................
$170,844 42
To pay Judiciary.............................
7,666 66
" Contingent Fond of the Treasury Depart-
140 29
Contingent Fund of the Library.........
642 25
Fuel and Lights......................
1,130 02
Maryland Penitentiary ................
5,000 00
Maryland Institute ...................
500 00
Contingent Fund of Comptroller's Office.
892 02
Purchase of Arms for the use of the State.
5,584 95
Public Printing .......................
7,622 75
Pensioners ..........................
620 00
138 90-
Special Appropriations.................
196 00
State Tobacco Inspections..............
3,000 00
Special Judiciary......................
3,066 40
Indian Annuities......................
76 00
Indigent Deaf and Dumb...............
729 43
Insane Asylum.............................
16,666 67
3,900 00
Interest on the Public Debt.............
229,356 52
$291,669 71
Leaving a deficit against the Treasury on the 1st
day of October, 1861, of......................
$131,525 29