No. 4.
A Statement showing the amount disbursed in the Fiscal Year
ended 30th September, 1861; also, the balance remaining in
the Treasury the 30th September, 1861, applicable to the pay-
ment of future demands.
There was disbursed, in the fiscal, year ended 30th
Sepember 1861, the sum of $1,046,356.41, on the
following accounts, viz:
To Grain Inspections...........................
$3,848 81
" the Judiciary...............................
35,020 84
" Civil Officers................................
19,540 07
" Miscellaneous Accounts......................
6,668 85
" Pensions...................................
1,805 00
" the Militia...............................
1,766 67
" Special Judiciary............................
1,933 60
668,618 94
" Maryland and Delaware Railroad..............
15,000 00
" Colleges, Academies and Schools..............
25,750 00
" Contingent Fund of the Executive.............
7,962 48
" Contingent Fund of the Treasury Department...
859 71
" Contingent Fund of the Library...............
1,957 45
" Commissions to Attorneys....................
3,201 55
" Fuel and Lights..............................
2,869 98
" Boundary Line between Maryland and Virginia.
2.355 61
" " " " Somerset and Dorches-
ter counties..........
184 37
" Repairs of Government House................
1,326 60
" Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore City..........
12,986 77
" Blind Asylum...............................
5,000 00
" Special Appropriations.......................
8,440 55
" Colonization Society .......................
420 00
" State Agricultural Society...................
500 00
" Insane Asylum..............................
29,166 66
" Home of the Friendless .....................
3,750 00
" Maryland Penitentiary.......................
23,000 00
" House of Refuge............................
10,000 00
" Purchase of Arms for the use of the State
33,015 05
" Indigent Deaf and Dumb.....................
3,709 89
" the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore ......
" Printing Blank Licenses for Comptroller's office.
4,307 00
307 98
" Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad .............
2,370 94
" Public Printing..............................
5,300 00
" Maryland Agricultural College................
6,000 00
" Postage .................................
907 69
" Tobacco Warehouses........................
951 11
" Legislature.................................
58,060 06
" Surplus Revenue
34,069 36
" Sinking Fund ? thissum.transferred............
2,713 72
" Augmentation of Library ...................
708 37
$1 ,046,356 41
And there remained in the Treasury, on the 30th
September, 1861, the balance of................
$170,044 42
Subject to the following charges, viz:
1,798 45
" Civil Officers...........................
2,842 40
Carried Forward.