Brought forward.
Library for its Augmentation......................
$453 08
Fuel and Lights..........................................
796 75
House of Rerdge..........................................
2,500 00
Hospital for Insane.....................................
4,166 .66
Interest on Public Debt..............................
232,173 26
Md. Penitentiary, for Officers' salaries.........
2,000 00
The Militia................................................
325 00
Miscellaneous Accounts..............................
526 83
620 00
Postage ....................................................
200 00
Special Appropriations..........................
1,239 96
State Tobacco Inspections...........................
217 62
Special Judiciary.......................................
30 00
Colleges, Academies and Schools ................
Indian Annuities........................................
6,224 43
76 00
Indigent Deaf and Dumb............................
Eastern Shore Railroads.............................
1,788 79
15,000 00
Boundary Line between Dorchester and Som-
erset counties..........................................
184 37
Repair of Government House, Ac.................
913 94
Asylum for the Blind...................................
2.500 00
State Agricultural Society..........................
Boundary Line between Maryland and Vir-
500 00
ginia ......................................................
800 00
$284,849 20
Leaving a deficiency against the Treasury on the 1st
day of October, I860, of.........................................
$29,261 55
to be provided for.