No. 2.
There was disbursed, in the fiscal year ended 30th. Sep-
tember, 1860, the sum of $1,306,043.08, on the fol-
lowing accounts, riz :
To Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad .company..........
$3,803 62
Book-binding for the State....................................
1,450 00
Civil Officers.......................................................
19,714 78
Contingent Fund of the Executive.....................
Contingent Fund lor Comptroller's Office...............
Contingent Fund for Treasury Department............
Contingent Fund of the Library...........................
7,237 99
1,149 00
1,396 68
2,143 34
Commissions to Attorneys ....................................
697 19
Colleges, Academies and Schools...........................
26,883 00
Eastern Shore Railroad companies........................
. 44,092 25
Fuel and Lights..................................................
2,797 88
Gas Light and Gas Fixtures to Public Buildings......
5,054 68
House of Refuge..................................................
11,250 00
Home of the Friendless........................................
1,250 00
Hospital for the Insane.........................................
41,668 67
Indigent Blind (Asylum)......................................
11,000 00
Indigent Deaf and Dumb.....................................
3,2'28 04
Interest on the Public Debt..................................
664,464 y5
The Judiciary......................................................
34,797 12
Improvement and Furnishing Government House...
1,089 06
Inspectors of Grain in Baltimore...........................
5,346 21
Library, for its Augmentation ..............................
436 69
Legislature of 1860...............................................
98,674 31
Maryland Penitentiary.........................................
The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.............
8,000 00
17,681 14
To the Maryland Agricultural College....................
6,000 00
The Militia.........................................................
1,350 00
Miscellaneous Accounts.........................................
7,470 46
2,010 00
Public Printing...................................................
600 00
Publication of Defaulting Officers.........................
1,513 26
3,650 63
Purchase of Arms for the State.............................
31,400 00
Sinking Fund......................................................
6,638 29
Special Appropriations.........................................
162,639 98
State Tobacco Warehouses in Baltimore................
959 11
State Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore..................
23,214 28
Special Judiciary ................................................
2,312 20
Surplus Revenue...................................................
34,069 36
Survey of Boundary between Maryland and Vir-
7,511 11
" Survey of Boundary between Dorchester and Som -
erset counties...................................................
400 00
$1,306,043 08
And there remained in the Treasury, on the 30th Sep-
tember, 1860, the balance of...................................
255,587 75
Subject to the following charges, viz :
To pay Commissions to Attorneys...........................
234 93
Civil Officers .............................................
3,125 66
7,975 00
Contingent Fund of Executive.....................
195 42
Contingent Fund of Treasury Department...
Contingent Fund of the Library....................
32 50
50 00
Carried forward.