use their best endeavors to obtain such legisla-
tion as will insure such citizens a speedy in-
demnity for said damages as well as for similar
damages that may be so sustained in the fu-
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
transmitted to our Senators and Representatives in
No. 18.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That His Excellency, the Governor, be and he is
hereby requested to issue a commission, in the
usual form, to the Honorable Reverdy Johnson,
as Senator to represent this State in the Congress
of the United States, for six years, from the fourth
day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
Assented to
March 10, 1862.
No. 19.
Resolutions of thanks to Governor Thomas H.
WHEREAS, The practice of all nations points out
the wisdom of rewarding eminent public servi-
ces by marked tokens of admiration and grati-
tude; therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That amidst the bold, insidious and powerful
efforts which have been made for the past year,
to destroy the government of the United States,
and to reduce the country to a condition of
moral and physical imbecility, in despite of the
Assented to
Mar ch 10,1862