steadily in view his sworn duty, to preserve, pro-
tect and defend the Constitution of the United
8. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to
transmit copies of the foregoing resolutions to the
President of the United States, and to our Sena-
tors and Representatives in Congress.
No. 16.
Assented to
March 10, 1862.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That we tender the thanks of the people of this
State to all the officers of the Army and Navy, who,
have remained loyal to the Government during
the tempestuous, scenes incident to the unnatu-
ral relation of some of the Southern States ; and
that the President of the Senate and Speaker
of the House of Delegates, be requested to trans-
mit copies of this resolution to the Secretaries
of War and Navy, to be by them communicated
to the several divisions of the Army and Navy.
No. 17.
Assented to
Mar ch 10, 1862
WHEREAS, The Government of the United States
in its constitutional effort to suppress the rebel-
lion against its authority, now existing in some
of the Southern States, has been unavoidably
compelled to destroy or seriously to injure much
valuable property belonging to citizens of this
and other States ; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That our Senators and Representatives in
Congress be and they are hereby requested to