Assented to
March 10, 1862.
WHEREAS, The coolness and eminent seamanship
displayed by Captain Cadwalader Ringgold,
early in November last, in rescuing a Marine
battalion of four hundred men, from the wreck
of the transport steamer "Governor," during
the storm which overtook the United States
Squadron, on its way from Fortress Monroe to
the attack and capture of Port Royal, is an oc-
currence well calculated to elevate the character
of the American Navy, and deserving of hono-
rable mention by the Legislature of his native
State ; Therefore,
Se it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the thanks of this Legislature, are
tendered to Captain Ringgold and to the officers
and crew of the United States Frigate "Sabine,"
for their gallant and humane efforts in saving the
lives of so many human beings from the wreck of
the ill-fated steamer "Governor," during the storm
on the Southern Coast in November last.
Resolved, That the "Governor," be requested
to transmit a copy of these resolutions to Captain
Ringgold, requesting him to communicate the
same to the officers and crew of the Frigate