WHILE, on this twenty-second day of February,
the people of the United States are listening to
words of peace and conciliation, and of solemn
warning against sectional contests and jealousies,
from the Father of their Country, Maryland, one
of the States of the Revolution, makes this solemn
appeal to the citizens of the loyal States of the
Union :
WHEREAS, We believe the useless and wicked agi-
tation of the Slavery question, both North and
South, has been the ostensible cause of the re-
bellion now devastating our once happy country
by affording a pretext to those who have long
desired to break up our Government, for putting
their long cherished plans in operation, and by
furnishing arguments by which the Southern
people have been mislead and betrayed ; and
whereas, we believe that a continuance of such
agitation will have a tendency to prevent a cor-
dial return of our Southern brethren to their
position in the Union ; Therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That we appeal with united voice to our
brethren of the Northern States to discontinue, by
every means in their power, all attempts to revive
the agitation of this subject, not only productive of
no good, but, as the history of the present shows,
Assented to
March 10, 1862.