Assented to
Dec. 19, 1861.
WHEREAS, Maryland, in her recent election, has
unmistakeably demonstrated through the ballot-
box her loyalty and devotion to the Union, and
as one of the United States claims all her rights
under the Constitution ; and whereas, we believe
that the present war is waged in no spirit of hos-
tility to the institutions of any of the States, but
solely to vindicate the integrity of the Union
and to restore amity and peace among all the
parts thereof. And whereas, notwithstanding
this policy, it sometimes happens that through
the action of individuals among the troops, ne-
groes belonging to citizens of this State escape
into the lines of the Federal Army, thereby
causing trouble, and occasionally loss to their
owners. And whereas, we desire to take some
specific action upon this subject; Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a joint committee to consist of three Mem-
bers upon the part of the Senate and three upon
the part of the House of Delegates, be appointed
by the presiding officers of the two Houses, re-
spectively, whose duty it shall be to proceed forth-
with to Washington and request an interview with
Major General McClellan, and solicit the adoption
of some plan to prevent the admission of fugitive
slaves within the lines of the army.
Resolved, That said committee be directed to
report immediately upon their return the result of
their mission.