WHEREAS, The Honorable Coleman Yellott, Sena-
tor, from Baltimore city, has, during three suc-
cessive sessions of this Body, absented himself
from his seat therein without assigning any rea-
son therefor ; and whereas, it is a matter of public
notoriety, established also by testimony before
the committee on Judicial Proceedings, that the
said Senator from Baltimore city has gone to the
State of Virginia, and has no intention of re-
Suming his seat in this Senate. And whereas,
it is right and proper that in these limes of pub-
lic peril the large and populous city of Baltimore
should be represented here. And whereas, the
Constitution of Maryland provides that in the
event of the removal of a Senator from, the coun-
ty or city for which he shall have been elected,
the President of the Senate shall issue his war-
rant of election for the election of another per-
son in his place ; therefore,
Resolved, That the seat of the Senator from Bal-
timore city be and the same is hereby declared
Resolved, That the President of the Senate issue
his warrant for the election of a Senator from Bai-
more city immediately.
Assented to
Dec. 12, 1861.