by them shall, from and after the passage of this
act, be vested in the said body corporate hereby
created, and their successors forever, with the same
powers in regard to the transfer or mortgaging
thereof, as are conferred by said deed, and subject
to all the restrictions and reservations stipulated
and reserved therein.
Sec. 6. And be it, enacted, That the said corpo-
ration shall be and they are hereby authorized to
hold by gift, devise, bequest or purchase, any oth-
er real-personal or mixed property, not exceeding
fifty thousand dollars in value, and shall have full
power and authority to bargain and sell, lease and
convey the same in as full and effectual manner as
any person or body corporate might do ; and all
deeds for the conveyance or mortgage of any pro-
perty by said corporation, shall be signed by the
President, and attested by the Secretary, with the
corporate seal thereon affixed.
Authority to
hold property.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of raising the means of paying off any existing in-
debtedness, or of defraying the expense of any ex-
tension or repairs upon the building or premises
now held or of constructing 'any new building,
either on the land now held or which may be here-
after acquired, it shall and may be lawful for the
said corporation to issue stock, not exceeding in the
aggregate the sum of five thousand dollars, in
shares of ten dollars, said stock to be a lien on
all the real estate of said corporation; the certifi-
cates of said shares of stock to be signed by the
to issue stock.
said President, and attested by the Secretary, seal-
ed by the corporate seal; provided, that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to confer bank-
ing powers upon said corporation, or to authorize
them to issue any thing to be used as currency or
a circulating medium.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That said stock
shall be transferable only on the books of said
Stock trans-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the Legislature
hereby reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal
this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.