of the Presbyterian Church in Snowhill, in Wor-
cester county, made in the month of June last, by
the members of the said Church, shall have the
same force and effect in all respects, and be as
valid and effectual in law, as if the said election
had been made on any one of the Mondays of May
last, appointed for that purpose by the act of in-
corporation of the said Church, passed on the
nineteenth day of December, in the year eighteen
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the regular
time or times, for the election of the said Comtnit-
tee; shall hereafter be as appointed by the said act
Regular time
of election, &c.
of incorporation ; provided, that if the members
of the said Church, qualified by law, shall fail to
elect new members of the said Committee at such
time or times, a new election may be held at any
subsequent time, on the same notice as now re-
quired by law ; and provided further, that the
members of the old Committee, shall hold over
till such new election shall be held.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to allow Samuel L. Duhamel, collector
of taxes for the First Election District of Queen
Anne's county, in the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-seven, further time to complete his
Passed March
6, 1862.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Samuel L. Duhamel, late a
Collector of the State and county taxes for the First
Election district of Queen Anne's county, be and
he is hereby authorized and empowered, for twelve
months from the passage of this act, to complete
his collections as, collector of State and county
taxes in the Election District before named, with
to collect.