Treasurer, to pay Milton Whitney, or order, three
hundred dollars, for legal services rendered, by
order of the Governor, in the case of Joseph Kel-
ler and others, against the State, known as the
liquor league ; also to pay Milton Whitney, or
order, two hundred and fifty dollars, for legal ser-
vices rendered in the case of Frazier against
Warfield ; also to pay Milton Whitney, or order,
two hundred and fifty dollars, for legal services
rendered in the prosecution of William G. Ford,
for the murder of William Burnham ; also to pay
Milton Whitney, or order, one hundred dollars,
for legal services rendered in the prosecution of
Thomas M. Watkins, a free negro, in the Court
of Appeals ; also to pay Milton Whitney, or order,
one hundred dollars, for legal services rendered
in the prosecution of Ann Maria Cornish, a free
negro, in the Court of Appeals.
In force.
Sec. 2. Be it enacted. That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
Passed March
10, 1862.
AN ACT to make valid a deed from William
D. Cropper and Rebecca W. Cropper, his wife,
of Accomac county, in the State of Virginia, to
Thomas W. Holbrook, of Somerset county, and
to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Somerset county, to record the same.
WHEREAS, the said William D. Cropper and Re-
becca W. Cropper, his wife, of Accomac county,
in the State of Virginia, executed unto the said
Thomas W. Holbrook, of Somerset county, on
the twenty-eighth day of September, eighteen
hundred and sixty, a deed conveying certain
lands lying and being situate in the county last
aforesaid ; and whereas, the said deed was not
attested as now prescribed and directed by law :