Passed Jan
28, 1862.
AN ACT to repeal the first, second and seventh
sections of Article fifty-two of the Public Gene-
ral Laws, relating to the Keeper of Chancery
Records, and to enact the following as a substi-
tution therefor.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the first section of Article fifty-two of
the Public General Laws, relating to the Keeper
of Chancery Records, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and the following enacted as a substitute
therefor :
Chancery Re
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of the Land Office,
shall have charge of the Records of the Court of
Chancery, and the anti-revolution papers now in
the Chancery Office, and shall discharge the duties
hereinafter specified.
And be it enacted, That the second section of
Article fifty-two of the Public General Laws, re-
lating to, the Keeper of Chancery Records, be and
the same is hereby repealed, and the following
enacted in lieu thereof :
Sec. 2. He shall, for the performance of said
duties, receive the sum of five hundred dollars per
annum, payable quarterly out of the Treasury.
And be it enacted, That the seventh section of
Article fifty-two of the Public General Laws, re-
lating to the salary of the Keeper of Chancery
Records, be and the same is hereby repealed.
In force.
And be it further enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.