and weight of all provisions, grain, and wood,
sold in said village ; to suppress all disorderly
meetings; to prevent firing cannon, guns, squibs,
or any kind of fire-arms or fire-works in said vil-
lage ; to suppress and abate all nuisances; to
prevent stock of all kinds ffrom running at large;
to prevent any immoderate driving though the
streets with carriage, stage, cart, wagon, or other
vehicle, or on horseback, so as to endanger the
lives, limbs, or property of the citizens of said vil-
lage, or disturb the quiet enjoyment of the streets
and thoroughfares; and to prevent the parading
and indecent exhibition of any stud-horse through
the streets ; and may impose fines not exceeding
ten dollars for any offence, on any person violating
said ordinances.
Sec. 12. They may provide by ordinance for the
immediate arrest, without warrant, of any person
violating any town ordinance, by driving through
the streets, when in the judgment of the President
or any two of said Commissioners, the delay ne-
cessary to the issuing of a warrant would be
dangerous to the peace and quiet of the village, or
the lives, limbs and property of its citizens, and
when it shall appear that the offender is intoxicat-
ed, shall take charge of the horse and vehicle and
deposit them in some place of safety until the
offender shall be sober.
Power to ar-
rest violators
of ordinances.
Sec. 13. They shall have power to establish the
limits and width of the streets of said village, and
to remove obstructions therefrom, and may with
the consent of two-thirds of the owners of the pro-
perty through which they may pass, open new
streets, lanes and alleys.
Streets, &c.
Sec. 14. They shall have power to provide for
the payment of the damages and expenses of open-
ing, widening, laying out, and grading of streets,
lanes, and alleys in said village, by levying and
assessing the same generally upon the whole of
the assessable property of said town, or specially
upon the assessable property of persons benefitted
Sec. 15. If on the opening or laying out any
new street, lane, or alley, the said Commissioners
cannot agree with the owner of any land or pro-
perty wanted for the purposes, for the purchase,
Land, &c.,
for streets —
how obtained.