Passed Dec,
An ACT to amend the eighth section of Article
forty-fifth of the Code of Public General Laws,
entitled, "Husband and Wife," relating to the
Insurance, of the life of the Husband for the use
and benefit of the Wife.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the eighth section of
Article forty-fifth of the Code of Public General
Laws, entitled, "Husband and Wife," be and the
same is hereby repealed, and the following enacted
as a substitute therefor:
The husband's
life may be in-
sured for the
sole benefit oi
the wife.
8. Any married woman, by herself and in her
name, or in the na.me of any third person, with
his assent, as her trustee, may cause to be insured
for her sole use, the life of her husband for any
definite period, or for the term "of his natural life;
and any husband may cause his own life to be in-
sured for the sole use of his wife, and may also
assign any policy of insurance upon his own life,
to his wife, for her sole use; and in case of the wife
surviving her husband, the sum or net amount of
such insurance bepoming due and payable by the
terms of the insurance, shall be payable to her for
her own use, free from the claims of the repre-
sentatives of her husband, or any of his creditors.
In force.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from the date
of its passage.
Passed Dec.
21, 1861.
AN ACT making an appropriation for the Execu-
tive Contingent Fund.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of three thousand
dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for
the Executive Contingent Fund, for the year eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-one.