No. 194. An act to amend section ninety-two of Article
seventeenth the Code of Public Local Laws entitled, Queen
Ann's county, relating to Justices of the Peace and Consta-
bles, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
No 195. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay the
claims of James Revell, William P. Harper, William R. Cole
and George Jacobi.
No. 196. An act to authorize the County Commissioners for
Kent and Queen Ann's counties to employ eome person or
persons to repair the bridge over Chester River at Crumpton
and to levy sufficient money to pay for the same and to make
provision for future repairs to said bridge.
No. 197. An act to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners for Carroll county in their discretion to borrow
money to pay to volunteers and drafted men, and to issue
county certificates therefor, and to levy on the taxable proper-
ty of Carroll county for their payment.
No. 198. An act to amend the charter of the President,
Managers and Company of the Baltimore and Yorktown Turn-
pike Road, being an additional supplement to an act entitled,
"An act to incorporate the Companies, to make several Turn-
pike Roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes
passed at November session eighteen hundred and four, chap-
ter fifty-one."
No. 199. An act to amend and re-enact section twenty-three,
section forty-six, and section one hundred and three of Article
eighty-one of the Code of Public General Laws entitled, Reve-
nues and Taxes.
No. 200. An act to amend and re-enact section one hundred
and twenty-four and section one hundred and twenty-five of
Article eighty-one of the Code of Public General Laws entitled,
Revenues and Taxes, and relating to the Tax on Collateral
Inheritances, Distributive Shares and Legacies.
No. 201. An act appropiiating a sum of money to pay the
claims of Thomas H. Martin, Magruder and Brother, Robert
Jump, Erasmus West, James Revell, Francis A. Crouch,
William J. Jones, James C. Milburn, John H. Milburn,
Hayward, Bartlett and Company, Randall and Hagner, N.
Brewer, Jr. and A. Henderson.
No. 202. An act to provide for the payment of the claims
of William Thompson, of R., and Richard H. Miles, Tobacco
Commissioners for their services and expenses.
No. 203. An act to authorize the Trustees of Primary