SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That A. Bruntsch, William Elk-
hardt, F. Sommerfeld, C. H. Wiesner, J. Tenfel,
M. Hermann, Charles Zimmerman, John R. Fell-
man, A. Geunneisen, John A. Giesler, H. Sem-
miogge, F. List and their associates, and all and
every other person or persons hereafter becom-
ing members of the Social Democratic Turners
Unioa of Baltimore, Maryland, in accordance with
the constitution and by-laws of said Union, their
successors and assigns, shall be and they are here-
by cheated and made a corporation and body poli-
tic, by the name and style of the Social Demo-
cratic Turners' Union of Baltimore, Maryland,
and by that name shall and may have perpetual
succession, and be capable in law of purchasing,
holding, improving and disposing of property,
real, personal or mixed, to the extent, in the man-
ner and for the purposes herein authorized, and
may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and defend, and be answered and defended
in all courts of law and equity; and may receive
and make all deeds, transfers, instruments of
writing, covenants, grants, contracts, agreements
and bargains whatsoever necessary for the said
purposes; and may have and use a common seal,
which they shall have power to renew or alter at
pleasure; and generally, may do every other act
or thing necessary to carry into effect the provi-
sions of this act, and promote the objects and de-
signs of said Union as authorized by this act.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the object and
design of this corporation shall be the physical
and moral improvement of its members by in-
structions and practice in liberal and manual arts
and exercises, the reconciliation of misunderstand-
ings and differences, and the diffusion of the prin-
ciples of rational freedom; and for this purpose it
shall and may be lawful for said corporation to
purchase, lease, or acquire by gift, real estate and
buildings, and to build, or cause to be erected,
Design of cor-