Required to
Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That the said company'
shall keep constantly at each end of said bridge a
sufficient supply of cars, to be attached to the
freight trains, suitable and sufficient for the trans-
portation across said bridge of horses, carriages,
&c., and shall be entitled to demand and receive
for the transportation of said horses and carriages,
&c., the same prices as were paid for tolls over the
Port Deposit bridge, at the time of the passage of
the act to which this is a supplement.
Required to
keep steam tug
Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That so soon as the struc-
ture of said bridge shall be placed on the piers
thereof, that the said Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore Railroad Company shall be required
to keep a good and sufficient steam tug, or tow
boat, at the location of said bridges, and shall, at
all time or times during the season of the open
navigation of the Susquehanna, i iver, keep the said
tug or tow boat, to enable every vessel or vessels to
get through or from said bridge; and in case of
the neglect or refusal of the officer or officers of
said tug boat to tow through or from said bridge
any vessel or vessels that may require the aid of
said tug or tow boat, that then the said Philadel-
phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Com-
pany shall be liable for damages to the owner or
owners, master or masters of said vessel or vessels
for every such detention, in a sum not less than
five nor more than twenty dollars, to be recovered
before any Justice of the Peace, either in Harford
or Cecil counties.